
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

World Cup USA94 - Upper Deck Cards

Tony Meola
Ernie Stewart - Cobi Jones
Hugo Perez - Dominic Kinnear
Des Armstrong - Chris Henderson
Paul Caligiuri - Bora Milutinovic

Upper Deck produced several sets in commemoration of the 1994 World Cup.
the 1993 World Cup Preview set features many of the US team members, along with 15 US Cup 93 review cards...There were a total of 165 cards in the US market English/Spanish issue.
Other preview sets, 200 base cards) were issued in English/German, Italian/Spanish, all of which focused on the international players with the US players in the mix.
These sets also featured Future Stars, Bora's Select (10 cards) and World Star Holograms (9 cards), Honorary Captains - Reggie Jackson, Joe Montana, Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky.
Future Stars were only placed in special promotion was packs..20 From the Sidelines cards (#145-165) featuring the US team members...

Upper Deck also produced special sets with the same format, 1993 Mastercard Soccer Locker set, US and Mexico boxed sets

1. Tony Meola
2. Mike Lapper
3. John Doyle
4. Bruce Murray
5. Thomas Dooley
6. John Harkes
7. Hugo Perez
8. Dominic Kinnear
9. Tab Ramos
10. Ernie Stewart
11. Eric Wynalda
12. Jeff Agoos
13. Cobi Jones
14. Brian Quinn
15. Des Armstrong
16. Mike Sorber
17. Roy Wegerle
18. Brad Friedel
19. Chris Henderson
20. Paul Caligiuri
21. Fernando Clavijo
22. Alexi Lalas
23. Cle Kooiman
24. Peter Vermes
25. Mark Chung
26. Joe-Max Moore
27. Frank Klopas
28. Marcelo Balboa
29. Janusz Michallik
30. Bora Milutinovic

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