
Sunday, May 22, 2011

2008 Masters of the Game USA tour

2008.07.01 Masters of the Game USA Summer Tour, Soccer Centers, Somerset, NJ

From the pages of Mike's autograph book...these are the Masters of the Game, an international platform which encourages young people to play soccer in the streets, through organized events and freestyle clinics...
This is all about skill, technique and street credibility. The ultimate goal is not only to win but to show how bad you can embarrass your opponent!

The four members of MOTG put on an incredible show, as pat of a 7-week tour through select cities in the US to promote the street culture of soccer, and bringing this culture to the next level...

The MOTG website has excellent videos of the members in action, demonstrating great foot skills...

Edward van Gils - Netherlands
KFC Winterslag - Belgium 1990-93
AZ Alkmaar - Dutch 1993-1995
Hoornsche Veerhuys - Futsal
League of Legends - 2004 EA Sports - FIFA Street

Benito Tam - Netherlands
HFC Haarlem 1990-94
Driftboys Futsal 1998
Adidas Demo Team 2000
Nike Demo Team 2002
EA Sports FIFA Street 2003

Lenny Netteb - Netherlands
Kvsk United - Belgium 2006-07
FC Eindhoven - Dutch 2007-08
AORC Palestra - Futsal 2005-06
League of Legends - 2003, 2004 EA Sports FIFA Street
Nike commercial 2003

Khalid "Gala" Hamdaoui - Morocco
MVV Maastricht - Dutch 2002-05
FC Dundee - Scotland 2006-07
Turkiyemspor - 2007- 08

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    Nice Post has been shared here. i did enjoyed visiting here. you have shared here lots of good information. keep posting such post here in future too. it would be nice if you can share some information related to US Masters Tours here in your future posts..



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